Belmont Recreation and the Beech Street Center
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Paws in the Park Register View Cart


Application 2025

Dogs must have an Paws in the park permit and must be licensed with the town order to be on the designated parks only. Registration Begins January 1, 2025
Paws in the Parks Regulations:
Off-leash hours are limited to the schedule posted at the fields and online at
Regardless of any other permitted uses and times, dogs MUST be leashed when:
A. A permitted group is using the field (social/sports events). A permitted group is defined as a group that has reserved space and/or has a permit from the Town of Belmont, or
B. DPW/Field Contractors are on the field.
No dog, leashed or unleashed, may be on Winn Brook Field on School Days 
The Paws in the Park tag must be available to show while the dog is off-leash.
No dogs allowed within 50 feet of playgrounds.
No dogs on tennis/pickleball courts, basketball courts, or baseball fields.
No excessive barking.
No digging.
Handlers must have one leash per dog and no more than two dogs while visiting the park/field. Leashes must not exceed 6 feet in length.
Handlers must be ready to remove a dog from a park/field area quickly if necessary.
Handlers must maintain effective verbal control of dog(s).
Handlers are responsible for picking up dog waste, supplying of waste bags, and proper disposal of dog waste bags.
Town Bylaw §60-200 applies (see p. 3). In particular, if any person, including the Animal Control Officer, makes a complaint to the Board of Health pursuant to Bylaw §60-200(G)(4) concerning a dog with a current Paws in the Park off-leash permit, that permit may be immediately suspended and no refund of the permit fee shall be made. The permit may be reinstituted in the sole discretion of the Board of Health after a hearing pursuant to Bylaw §60-200(G)(4).

Off-leash use is fully suspended on a field when:
The Park/Field is closed by the Town, or
Belmont Public School activities are taking place on the field.

Additional Forms and Files:
Register Activity Ages Grades Days Date/Time Fees
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Paws in the Parks 
18y - 99y N/A SuMTuWThFSa  TBA $75.00 Res, $125.00 Non-Res
* Adjustments and discounts will be applied during checkout if applicable. *

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