Belmont Recreation and the Beech Street Center
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Babysitter CPR for Kids & Home Alone Safety Register View Cart

BLAST! - Babysitter Lessons And Safety Training. 
Join us for a Babysitting workshop and get CPR/AED certified, too! We will cover how to react responsibly to medical emergencies, perform first aid for common childhood injuries, how to best call 911 and how to prevent and relieve choking. You’ll be prepared to interview for a babysitting job, select safe activities for children of different ages and run your own babysitting business.You’ll leave with a certificate of completion for babysitting, a First Aid book, and upon successful completion, you will also be certified in CPR/AED. Grades 5-9.
Home Alone Safety
Take the first steps towards independence! In this course, we will teach children the basics of being safe when home alone for short periods of time. We’ll learn how to call 911. We will discuss internet safety, learn about accident prevention and fire safety protection. We will cover simple first aid techniques, such as how to relieve choking.and talk about how to use our time wisely! Grades 3-5

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11y - 14y 5 - 9 04/18/2025
04:00 PM - 06:45 PM

Beech Street Center - Beech Street Center Area: Classroom A
$114.00 Res, $114.00 Non-Res
* Adjustments and discounts will be applied during checkout if applicable. *

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